Sunday, 26 September 2010

New Jomuna

New Jomuna
Wilton Road
We hadn’t had an Indian meal for a while so I was ready. There was a very long menu so no excuse not to find something to like. But the décor isn’t quite right – pastel colours and Jack Vettriano prints so we were on the verge of thinking we’d strayed into an Italian bistro - but then the carpet is red so it must be ok. We munched our way through four popadams while MP got stuck into a large bottle of kingfisher. Then I went for my old favourite veggie biryani and it was bloody good. I didn’t get through all the rice (not for the lack of trying). What I really love about veggie biryani is that they just sling in any passing vegetables – in this case lots of broccoli which I really like – so it is a pimlico interpretation of Indian food. Fab. HP

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Why I look at the menu is beyond me. Of course this means that I have to have Sunday off. The order of the day is chicken vindaloo and pilau rice. First bite is always mild and the only one I can taste. The heat builds predictably but not painfully. This time around I did not break a sweat. I had a bottle of Kingfisher which I get conflicting reports on its heat fighting efficacy. Some tell me to let the tongue burn, others insist on beer. I’ll take the beer. Before leaving I asked the waiter if they make faal. With a knowing and appreciative he said they do. I will go back and order with out looking at the meun. Faal is never on the menu

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